หลักสูตรศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาจีนศึกษา : CNS

CNS หลักสูตรศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาจีนศึกษา

Master of Arts Program in Chinese Studies (International Program)

Program Director: Asst. Prof. Dr. Pim de Jong

  • 2008 D.Phil. (Ethnologies) Heidelberg University, Germany
  • 2002 M.A. (Anthropology) Chulalongkorn University,
  • 2000 M.A. (Sociology) Thammasat University, Thailand
  • 1996 B.A.  (Sociology and Anthropology) Thammasat University, Thailand

Curricular Title

Master of Arts Program in Chinese Studies (International Program)

Degree Title

  • Full Name    :    Master of Arts (Chinese Studies)
  • Abbreviated Name  :   M.A. (Chinese Studies)

Curricular Philosophy and Goals

This program places emphasis on the academic knowledge and research skills in Chinese studies and International Business (China), such as history, culture, religion, society, philosophy, law, politics, international relations, business and economics, etc. The curriculum provides education both in Thai and Chinese. Students who choose to study in China are required to take courses at Shanghai University for one semester.

Duration of Study

  • 2 years

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete all courses of the curriculum
  • Obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00
  • Pass the thesis defense
  • Publish 1 article in a journal with TCI, ISI or Scopus database

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor degree in Chinese Studies, International Business (China), Chinese Language or in a related field
  • All applicants without the degree mentioned must have a certificate of New HKS level 5 or above
  • August 2015 Semester begins
Semester 1 August – November at PSU Phuket
Semester 2 January – April at PSU Phuket or Shanghai University
Semester 3 August – November at PSU Phuket
Semester 4 January – April at PSU Phuket
Compulsory Courses 9
Elective Courses 9
Thesis 18
Total number of credits 36

For the elective courses, students are required to choose one of these areas of specialization:
1)   Chinese Studies
2)   International Business (China)

Academic Plan

First Year Semester 1 (at PSU Phuket)

Compulsory Courses: 6 credits
815-501 Transition of Chinese Culture and Society 3 (3-0-6)
815-502 Chinese Philosophy and Political Economy 3 (3-0-6)
815-504 Research Methodology in Area Studies * 3 (3-0-6)
Elective Course: 3 credits
Chinese Studies
815-511 Selected Readings in Chinese Literature 3 (3-0-6)
815-512 China – ASEAN Relations 3 (3-0-6)
815-513 Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian Countries 3 (3-0-6)
International Business: China
815-531 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 3 (3-0-6)
815-532 Strategies for Sustainable Business 3 (3-0-6)
Total 9 (9-0-18)

* Non-credit

First Year Semester 2 (at Shanghai University)

Compulsory Course 3 credits
815-503 Chinese Religions and Society 3 (3-0-6)
Elective Courses 6 credits
Chinese Studies
815-514 Seminar in Chinese Studies 3 (1-4-4)
815-515 Chinese Popular culture through Multimedia 2 (2-0-4)
815-516 History of Modern China 3 (3-0-6)
815-517 Modern Chinese Law and Human Rights 2 (2-0-4
815-518 Contemporary Chinese Politics and Economy 3 (3-0-6)
815-519 China and Globalization 2 (2-0-4)
International Business: China
815-533 Seminar in Chinese Business 3 (1-4-4)
815-534 Organization Behavior 2 (2-0-4)
815-535 Chinese Marketing 1 (1-0-2)
815-536 Economic Problems and Policies in Modern China 2 (2-0-4)
815-537 Human Resources Management in China 2 (2-0-4)
Total 9 (x-y-z)

Second Year Semester 1 (at PSU Phuket)

815-541 Thesis 9 (0-27-0)

 Second Year Semester 2 (at PSU Phuket)

815-541 Thesis 9 (0-27-0)